Wight Knuckle Brewery Open Icebreaker Series Report Feb 16th Races 7 & 8

Published 13:21 on 23 Feb 2025
An overcast, chilly, biting, force 4 easterly breeze last Sunday, greeted the 5 Stalwart Icebreaker Crews for the 7th and 8th Races, of the Wight Knuckle Brewery Open Icebreaker Series.
With the shifty Wind, often heavily influenced by the Duver buildings and blowing down from the harbor mouth, sailors were initially challenged off the startline by a couple of windward legs, with either a close Port Fetch or hard Beat on the Nose, tacking up to 10A. Then a run and a couple of interesting downwind Gybes, completing the Lap in an entertaining short Tacking Beat from H to 17 right in front of the Clubhouse with Spectators enjoying the View while navigating their Sunday Lunch.
The breezy conditions made for some interesting bailing strategies to be adopted, with close racing and several positional changes, the Two Fleets negotiating the same 2 tight laps for each Race.
Enjoyable racing was had by all, including our shoreside spectators, dining Members, and their Guests, as well as the usual Onshore Hospitality of the warm Clubhouse, good Food and Drinks for the Racing and Patrol Boat Crews on their return, also very much appreciated.
Additionally, our Captain of Racing Tony Burton who is also the IOW Island Games Sailing Manager/Coach, ably assisted by Senior Instructor Grainne Andrews, took three of the prospective
Island Games Sailing Candidates for the forthcoming Orkney Games, venturing out of the Harbour in their ILCA's (Laser) for a further Coaching session and continuation of the Selection Trial Program.
Also as a Taster, ready for the likely conditions they will experience in Scottish waters. Great Fun, with much experience gained, in the Exciting big wave sailing and surfing downwind out in the Bay.
Please see BHYC Website for Full Results and Current Series Positions!
Once Again, Many Thanks to the Patrol Boat Crews for your Volunteering, Call to Duty and unfailing Support as always, Assistant Race Officer Andy Steward for his invaluable Race Box Support.
Club Hospitality from the Bar and Galley and the Competitors for providing the day's entertainment
and enjoyment for All our Membership and Guests.
Chris Wilkinson
Race Officer
Last updated 13:50 on 23 February 2025